Pudra Kutusu Büyük Kare
Pudra Kutusu Büyük Kare
Pudra Kutusu Büyük Kare

Powder Box Large Square

Price : $49.53(Vat included)
Micron silver plating. Measurement: Height: 3 cm Width: 5 cm Length: 5cm Terms of Use: The product you have purchased is micron silver plated and food approved. Silver products show slight darkening over time when in contact with air due to their components. Apply a few drops of silver lightener to a cotton cloth. If you rub the product, you can return the product to its original state. Again, avoid direct contact of the product with hot, acidic and fermented foods (lemon, fruit, cheese, etc.) due to its silver components.
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: EN